Tuesday 10 November 2015

Corfu, Greece: Pioneers of Tourism; το χθες του κερκυραϊκού τουρισμού

Η Κέρκυρα Σήμερα (from Kerkyra Simera) - Μνήμες από το χθες του κερκυραϊκού τουρισμού

I am sorry I missed this exhibition and event:

Οι φωτογραφίες της έκθεσης που ήταν χωρισμένες θεματικά. Όπως: 1ο θέμα το (Club Med), το 2ο Zήνος Σούσης, το 3ο Οικογένεια Μπούα, το 4ο John Forte, το 5ο Λία Αργυρού, το 6ο Σπύρος & Μιχάλης Χαλικιόπουλος, το 6ο Σπύρος Ανυφαντής ''Τρύπας'', το 7ο Μαρί Ασπιώτη ''Corfu Travel'', το 8ο Σπύρος Λέμης, Σπύρος Λύχνος, το 8ο Βασίλη Μάντζο και το 9ο για τα Τεκμήρια της τουριστικής δραστηριότητας της εποχής.

I have written about the history and social psychology of tourism in Corfu in the book "Travel, Tourism, and Identity" (Transaction Publishers, 2015). I also interviewed a wide range of people and pioneers, a number of them now in their 80's and 90's - a different cast of characters and pioneers from those featured in the exhibition.

My 40-page chapter focuses on Corfu as a case study since the early 1950s, on topics such as 'Tourists, Service Providers, and Residents—Mutual Perceptions and the Reciprocal Gaze'. The book, edited by Gabriel R. Ricci covers a broad spectrum of topics:

"Travel, Tourism, and Identity addresses the psychological and social adjustments that occur when people make contact with others outside their social, cultural, or linguistic groups. Whether such contact is the result of tourism, seeking exile, or relocating abroad, the volume's contributors demonstrate how one's identity, cultural assumptions, and world view can be brought into question. In some cases, the traveller finds that bridging the social and cultural gap between himself and the new society is fairly easy. In other cases, the traveller discovers that reorienting himself requires absorbing a new cultural history and traditions. The contributors argue that making these adjustments will surely enhance the traveller's or tourist's experience; otherwise the traveller or tourist will be at risk of becoming a marginalized figure, one disconnected from the society that surrounds him. This latest volume in the Culture and Civilization series features a collection of essays on travel and tourism. The essays cover a range of topics from historical travels to modern social identities. They discuss ancient travels, contemporary travels in Europe, Africa and sustainable eco-tourism, and the politics of tourism. Essays also address experiences of Grenada's Spice Islando identity, and the effects of globalization and migrations on personal identity".

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